v2.5.0r 8th December 2011 (Name changed from SMSDispatcher to AlertDispatcher)
Messaging System Changes
- Added Email Broadcast and ModemMails (via GPRS) support to SMS messaging system - you can broadcast to both SMS/Email defined in the Addressbook.
- Outgoing message filter - Block messages by content keyword and recipients (Wildcard matching supported).
- "Sleep period" for low priority messages.
- Option to discard new messages if the system has exceeded the daily message limit.
- Fixed Unicode decoding/encoding bug for concatenated/long SMS.
Client/Management System Changes
- Multi user login and access right control.
- Remote Client support (for Corporate license).
- Auto-generate Daily/Monthly/Yearly message sent/received reports.
- Sound PC buzzer and display warning messagebox on modem or send alert failure.
- Option to load CSV into Addressbook without replacing existing recipients.
- Recipients can SMS "UNSUB" to unsubscribe themselves from Addressbook - to comply with government regulations.
- Option to restrict SMS/Email (send/receive) to Addressbook recipients.
- Improve Addressbook handling capability to 10,000 recipients per group.
Application Interface Changes
- Execute DOS command/application on received SMS and return result by SMS.
- Display modem status via http://alertdispatch-ip-address/sendstatus and server status via http://alertdispatch-ip-address/checkserver.
- Command line interface to send alerts (Remote support).
- Network DLL library to send/receive SMS/Email. C#, VB.NET and Java examples provided.
- Web based send alert (Email/SMS) form.
- SNMP Trap Receiver - Send Alert (SMS/Email) from SNMP Traps.
Click here to download upgrade.
Single interface to send both SMS and Email.
Sending via Web API
Miscellanous new settings for messaging system
User setup
Setup SNMP Trap Receiver
Thursday, December 8, 2011